Audio & Visual Assistance

Consumer Affairs appreciates that there are a number of consumers in Bermuda that are visually impaired and/or experience reading difficulties.   

VoiceOver can be an important tool for users with visual impairments or those that generally have trouble seeing what is displayed on their screen. For example, it can be used to alert users of the battery percentage, so they don’t have to read the small number in the corner of the screen, or to announce who is calling when the phone rings.  

To ensure that all consumers are afforded the opportunity to effectively educate themselves of their consumer rights, and effectively utilize their electronic devices across all other apps and websites, Consumer Affairs has developed the following VoiceOver guidance to help consumers utilize their electronic devices to effectively address their visual impairments.   

Recognizing that many visually impaired consumers may not be able to read this step-by-step guidance, Consumer Affairs requests the friends and/or family members of visually impaired consumers to provide support in setting up voiceover assistance for vulnerable consumers.

Activate VoiceOver On Windows Desktop & Laptop
Activate VoiceOver On mac Desktop & Laptop
Activate VoiceOver On a mac ipad & iphone
Activate Speak Selection and screen On mac ipad & iphone
Activate VoiceOver on Android Devices